Friday, July 31, 2009

What happened to Health Care Reform?

What happened to Health Care Reform?
Now we're into Insurance reform.

The Statists need Crisis, Panic and Villains to sell their Soft Tyranny as Reform and Progress.

Civil Society ain't buyin' it this time.
Flu, Health care, Dirty Air, Dirty Water, Global Warming (Or is it 'Climate Change, which = Weather), Comets, Asteroids, CO2...

The sky is falling, the sky is falling, no that's just the credibility of the Statist Panic Mongers.

OMG a study just found out that Oxygen is more deadly than than Carbon Dioxide, we're all doomed, we're all gonna die. OMG, OMG, OMG.

Sorry, they don't want to bring God into the discussion, my apologies.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sarah Palin Farewell Speech Read By William Shatner on Konan O'Brien's Show

Sarah Palin's final speech as Governor of Alaska baffled many. Conan O'Brien realized it was a poem and asked William Shatner to recite it verbatim. Hilarity ensues.

William Shatner Reads Sarah Palin Farewell Speech

Why did she quit?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What's the Rush

'What's the Rush' on this Health Care thing?

It's starting to sound like buying a used car.

You remember, 'My manager Authorized me to give this price Today. Tomorrow will be too late. He's in a good mood, we have to do it before close of business today, or I can't guarantee I can do this again.'

Monday, July 13, 2009

Double Dip Pensions

How would you like to swap jobs with someone so you can start drawing Social Security for your original job while making full salary and qualifying for a second Social Security pension at your "new" job?

According to the San Jose Mercury News story "Former top San Jose officials work elsewhere while drawing six-figure pensions," Dale Foster retired in 2005 from his $160,962-a-year position as acting San Jose fire chief after the city hired neighboring Gilroy's then-chief, Jeff Clet, for the position.

Today Foster draws a $160,803 annual pension from San Jose after four years of "retirement" such that this pension nearly equals his former pay. Sweet. I think the maximum for Social Security is about $2,000 a month or $24,000 a year.

The story doesn't end here.

After retiring from San Jose's fire department with 32-years of service, Dale Foster was hired by the city of Gilroy to take Jeff Clet's place as Gilroy's fire chief for an annual salary of $158,212.

This map shows Gilroy is just down the road (HWY 101) from San Jose. Both chiefs could easily commute to their new jobs without moving.

Foster was to earn $174,300 but Gilroy, savaged by lower property taxes from the housing meltdown plus a huge decline in sales tax collections, imposed furloughs that reduced Foster's pay by 9.2 percent.

I would not be surprised to learn Clet is drawing a pension from his Gilroy job while working for San Jose.

If swapping jobs to draw a pension from the first while being paid to do a similar task at a second is not a waste of taxpayers' dollars, then I do not know what is.

All these public employees should be paying into our Social Security system like the rest of us. If the Ponzi scheme commonly known as "Social Security" is broken or insolvent, then lets put everyone on it so the powerful people in government have incentive to get it fixed.

Waterloo or Rubicon?

There has been an editorial predicting 'Obama's 'Waterloo'.
Read this before continuing.

For those of you educated in Government Controlled Indoctrination Centers you should just Google it; Google hasn't tried to pervert facts in this case.

While you are 'Googling' history, let's take a look at
'J. Caesars crossing of The Rubicon'.

Julie Baby Broke the laws of Rome to take control, without regard for the existing government rules and in spite of protests by The Senate and ruling entities.

By Roman Law, Caesar's crossing with Military Force constituted treason and a beginning of armed Civil War.

A 21st Century Rubicon has been crossed.
Under the Rubric of 'Change' and lately 'We are gonna get this Done' (God knows if that means it doesn't matter what we think) an assault has begun.

There seems to be a serious disregard for the Verbiage and Evolutionary Process indulged patiently by The Framers.

Referencing the Constitutional Convention and The Federalist Papers it has become obvious that certain 'Constitutional Scholars' only studied 'The Constitution' in order to understand how to go about its Disassembly'.

It's a sorry point in our History when our elected officials feel it necessary to 'undo' our Founding Documents.

The founding documents of a nation which has done more good than bad for over 200 years and helped or caused the advancement of mankind and civilization in general, more so than any culture in recorded history.

Say what you may; imagine a planet in which the United States never existed...

Would North America still be in a Stone Age, Would the world still be using Coal as the major energy source, would we be worrying about Whale Oil Shortages?

Would we be intelligent enough to understand that we can't control the temperature of Earth?

Would Politicians still be liars?


Have we elected a crew of illiterate dysfunctional people to our Legislature, or are they just arrogant elitists.

How can they possibly pass thousand plus page bills without having read what is in the bills.

Rhetorical question, how stupid do they think we are? Well, we elected them didn't we?

Maybe we should go to a part time legislature. They seem to have too much time on their hands. They get distracted from their Constitutional duties to spend resources and time and effort on irrelevant issues and silly subjects.

Both houses of Congress should be required to read aloud the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution every morning right after The Pledge of Allegiance.

Maybe they should hang their Oath of Office in 12 inch font on the walls of both houses where they and C-Span can see it all day.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Are 'Czars' unfunded mandates?

Are 'Czars' unfunded mandates?
These unelected administrators are not answerable to oversight by Congress, only to the White House. They have staff, regulatory and enforcement power which is funded by, guess what? They are funded with our money.

Rumor has it that the administration will soon appoint a Bathroom Czar.
The responsibilities of the Bathroom Czar will be to monitor the length and temperature of showers and baths, the length of time that water runs per resident per day and the amount of water used to flush.
The Bathroom Czar will also be charged with evaluating the specific gravity of crap; floating crap is an indicator of proper fiber in the diet. If your crap sinks you may be referred to the Diet Czar for further processing.

Think about it, are we getting our moneys worth?
C. R. Ellsworth