Friday, July 3, 2009

Are 'Czars' unfunded mandates?

Are 'Czars' unfunded mandates?
These unelected administrators are not answerable to oversight by Congress, only to the White House. They have staff, regulatory and enforcement power which is funded by, guess what? They are funded with our money.

Rumor has it that the administration will soon appoint a Bathroom Czar.
The responsibilities of the Bathroom Czar will be to monitor the length and temperature of showers and baths, the length of time that water runs per resident per day and the amount of water used to flush.
The Bathroom Czar will also be charged with evaluating the specific gravity of crap; floating crap is an indicator of proper fiber in the diet. If your crap sinks you may be referred to the Diet Czar for further processing.

Think about it, are we getting our moneys worth?
C. R. Ellsworth

1 comment:

  1. I can see David Letterman using this to advertise the home edition of his game "Will It Float?"
